This is my Gardening Index

West Pennines Wanderer

The Blog and web site of
Mark Anthony Wild

All about the Welcome border

All about the Welcome border!

When approaching from the North-West (as most do) then this little patch of land is the first part of our garden which one would encounter, hence it WELCOMES the visitor! This was the first part of the front garden that I spent any time planning and working on.

The developers saw fit to gift us a Hawthorn tree - very nice of them as we had one of these in my parents front garden. As we didn't move in until September I had no idea of the surprise that was in for me as the next May it was adorned in tiny but showy double-pink flowers - just like the one at home and not the more ubiquitous single white as seen in many a hedgerow. A gift indeed! Sadly, but not something which has been in any way a deterrent, the other gifts included a super abundance of creeping buttercups. My sister insists that she likes these invasive ever-present weeds, and yet, she has none in her gardens - front or back!